Thursday, September 25, 2008

0 baby

We got the results back from Jason's bone barrow and we are at 0% for Leukemia.
All this hard work and time has paid off.
We are so happy. Still not through the woods though. We started round 4 of chemo yesterday
The actual treatment is for 6 days but they say we will be here at least 50 days.
Keep the prayers up!

Monday, September 22, 2008

All is well

Jason is doing great. We have been enjoying our time at home. Went and saw Austins game Saturday night and that was fun. It was nice to see all of Jasons friends come up and say hi and for him to see his brother play. He probably wont make any other games since these last few rounds last a long time.

Last night the local fire department came over and visited with the boys and gave them some stuff and they went around the block in the truck. He loved it.
They are also going to the fundraiser in Oct so that is really special.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

test from yesterday

Still at 1% for Leukemia cells in bone marrow
Which is what it was last time before they got more detailed results from the fiche
Have to wait til Monday for that
But no new growth so that is great

Friday, September 12, 2008


Jason gets to go home today. We are just waiting for the cleaning people to get the house all done so i can take him out of this place.

We are going to Austins game tomorrow so i am excited Jason will be able to see 2 before it is all over

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

still waiting

Still waiting for his counts to come back up
We are scheduled for readmission on Sept 24th for round 4
And we could be here for 1-2 months on that stay. WOWZERS

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nothing new to report

We are doing good. Just waiting to go home. They said maybe by the weekend.


We are having a carnival type fundraiser for Jason in at the green belt in our neighborhood.
Bounce Houses, food, games, prizes, cake walk

$40 for a family 4 pack
that includes food, drink, games

$12 per individual
that includes food, drink, games

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back to ourselves

Jason made it through the rough night.
I was worried but he is a tough guy and is good to go.
We did x-rays and he was such a trooper as he was sitting in the wheelchair waiting his turn and throwing up, and also throwing up while standing getting his x-rays
Luckly nothing showed up and we didnt need to do cat scans either.

He has been good ever since.

I was able to go to Austins football game thanks to Grandma Grace for watching Jason. I love football season. We are waiting for Jason to get out so he can go to a game.

Tomorrow Shawn and I are going to spend a day with Austin. I cant wait. I miss him so much.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Long Night

Jason got Platelets last night around 10pm and had a BAD reaction
103.8 fever, his whole body was shaking and his teeth chattering
he was cold but burning up
eyes and body all red

throwing up
had to give him oxygen

He is resting now and they are going to try and give him platelets again in about 20 min.

They are also going to schedule x-rays and cat scans to make sure everything is ok
his butt hurts really bad and he was sitting on a donut all day yesterday and crying in pain today when he went to the bathroom. he might be getting sores inside his rearend from the lining being thinned out from chemo

we are really tired and trying to rest

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Many updates

I didnt get a chance to update anyone about what happened last week when he had the storms.
There was a really bad storm here in Phx Thursday night and our room started leaking again. Our roommate had to move out cause water was dripping on their bed.
The PICU flooded and their were frogs hopping around. We lost power about 5 times. Quite the night.

So updates since the nose bleed.
Jason had to have a blood transfusion, and platelets.
They had to pack his nose and the stuff slowing dissolves. Maybe he will learn to keep his fingers away from his nose. Now he snores while sleeping.....

Today he is not feeling good and they have antibiotics ready incase he spikes a fever. His body aches and his butt hurts. Dont know why but he is getting morphine and another platelet transfusion to stay on top of things.

Austin has his first football game Saturday. I cant wait to see him. Shawn and Erin are going to California so he wont be able to make it. But we will all be rooting for him.

Thanks to my family for stepping up and giving me a break a few nights a week. It is nice to see Austin and Shawn. Although the house is a mess cause we are remodeling since the breakin.