Saturday, June 21, 2008

Homeward Bound

Jason is coming home Monday pending no fevers or infections. They unhooked him from BOB today. He only needs hooked up when he gets antibiotics. Which is only twice a day for a couple hours
He is so happy!!!
He wants fast food so bad but we have to pass on that. Daddy Shawn will have to make a burger taste like McDonalds

We might even be able to take him to the circius on Wed

He will be home Monday until Monday June 30th
Then they will do another bone marrow and see how much we got
Everyone pray your hearts out this week they come back good

Austin and his dad are leaving for Iowa on Tuesday for two weeks
So that will be a nice well deserved break for both of them

Keep everyone posted

1 comment:

lsawhill said...

yeah!!! I bet you are all ready for him to come home... :)