Friday, June 6, 2008

Weekly Messages of Love

Be strong baby boy, GOD has his arms around you and you will be safe. GOD bless this family

And now for Jason, my sweet little grandson, I hope you can feel all the love that people have for you. My ward is fasting for you tomorrow, and I know there are tons of people everywhere praying for you and I know Heavenly Father will give you the strength that you need to get better. Hang in there, buddy, and your Meema's going to be there in a couple weeks for your birthday. I can't wait to see you!
Love, Meema

My love and prayers goes out to you all. I know everything will work out with enough faith. Let Jason know what a strong boy he truly is now. If you ever need anything give me a call.
Erin Alegria

Hi Jason. My wife works with your aunt Daphne. I'm sorry to hear about you getting sick. I hope that you are playing lots of video games and meeting new friends. I pray for your speedy recovery.

Jason its uncle Jared remember me Robert and I got you a full size poster of Hanna Montana and a picture of a Phoenix on fire rising from the ashes. You are a champion and you to will rise like the Phoenix you have a royal blood line that goes all the way back to our Creator don't forget you are loved and we are all watching after you and praying that we get to be around your sweet presence daily . YOU RoCK
Uncle Jared

Hi Jason. It is Ronny. Hope you feel better soon.

If anyone in this world has the strength and attitude to endure something so difficult its Jason. He's gone through a lot in his young life and he's never let anything drag him down, he always stays positive and lets things roll off his back. Jason and Austin have been my boys since the day they were born and they're still my world...I think we can all learn from Jason through this experience. No matter what life brings you unexpectedly, do what you can and don't let it defeat you. Be strong and always smile and you'll always make it through. He's my youngest nephew, but definitely a hero in my eyes.
Aunt Nana

This is to let Jolly Jason, my nickname for him, know that his Aunt Daphne and his Cousin Gabriel love him very much.
He needs to hurry up and get out of the hospital so me and him and his Mom can go to Big Lots together!
Aunt Daphne

We’re thinking of you and the family and please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can help!
Leigha Cline

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