Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Uncle Jared and Uncle Robert

So yesterday Robert and Jared went to visit. Of course they had to stop at the store first. They picked up a few goodies for Jason. One which I think Austin will enjoy just as much as Jason. All I have to say is Hannah Montana. Need I say more. That is right folks. They got Jason a poster of Hannah Montana. If that cute little face does not make time fly and make you feel all good inside I don't know what will!! Along with Hannah they got him some magazines I think it was an X-Box. Boys and their toys. He also got a poster of a Phoenix coming out of fire. Symbolic? I think so. The favored goodie that Jason was just so excited about was a point laser. The kind teachers use. Jason was so excited about this. How fun!!! Point the laser at the nurses as the walk by. Out the window at birds. You can do anything with that and keep busy for a while. It is like a little kid and a flashlight! So he was pretty happy. Jared took some photos on his phone. They were blurry but I will post anyways. It shows how happy he is. Jared said he was talkative and playful. Always a good sign. Let's hope he feels like this through most of his treatments. Will make them go so much faster when you are happy and comfortable!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If anyone in this world has the strength and attitude to endure something so difficult its Jason. He's gone through a lot in his young life and he's never let anything drag him down, he always stays positive and lets things roll off his back. Jason and Austin have been my boys since the day they were born and they're still my world...I think we can all learn from Jason through this experience. No matter what life brings you unexpectantly, do what you can and don't let it defeat you. Be strong and always smile and you'll always make it through. He's my youngest nephew, but definitely a hero in my eyes.

<3 Aunt Nana