Friday, June 20, 2008

Coming home

Well Jason is doing good says the big doc so hopefully he will be home by next weekend. I am sure he cant wait to sleep in his own bed and not have the cords attached to him. He named his machine "Bob" and that will be nice to be free of him as well.

Jason is getting sick of being in the hospital as he was asking his dad all sorts of questions last night. Like why is he there so long, why does he have to take so much medicine, what can happen to him. He is a smart kid and you have to be straight but it is hard having to worry about your child going through this and what can happen. He should be swimming in the backyard with his friends and running around playing football. But he is strong and will battle through this. We are all learning patience.

But it is hard looking at his room empty and not seeing him around the house
So i hope the count down is on for him to get home

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Soulja Boy Tell 'Em! Jason's too smart to not ask questions and I think the fact that he's actually asking for answers just proves his intelligence and strenght. He's strong and while this is definitely not what anyone wants to see a 9 yr old go through, it will only make him stronger. He is going to be a phenominal man one day and as hard as this is to go through and watch, this moment in his life is helping to shape the man that he will be. And all I can say is that he'll be one hell of a man. We're all blessed to have him ni our lives.

Love ya kid, see you soon!