His counts are at 5 today
So of course not leaving soon, but i did talk to the doctor and he will be able to go home at least for a couple of days before we start round 2.
He is not hooked up right now and only needs to be a few hours a day for antibiotics. AND GUESS WHAT!!!!! Tonight at 8pm after visiting hours he can out on a mask and leave the room and walk around the floor. He hasnt left the room for almost a month. So i am excited. I told him we need to find a ball and go bowling
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Cancel the party
Well Jasons counts keep going down and he is at zero today. So not coming home anytime soon. He is sleeping right now because they are gaving him Platlets.
We are moving back downstairs to the second floor in his old room today with his old roommate so that is a plus at least. But his roommate is sick so we cant even open the curtain and talk to him.
One nurse said today that if Jasons counts dont come up fast enough he might not even go home and would start his second round of chemo next week. I pray that doesnt happen. That would make for 2 months here with no break. His heart was broken. He looked so sad when she said that. So we will be clarifing that with the doctor.
Will keep everyone posted.
We are moving back downstairs to the second floor in his old room today with his old roommate so that is a plus at least. But his roommate is sick so we cant even open the curtain and talk to him.
One nurse said today that if Jasons counts dont come up fast enough he might not even go home and would start his second round of chemo next week. I pray that doesnt happen. That would make for 2 months here with no break. His heart was broken. He looked so sad when she said that. So we will be clarifing that with the doctor.
Will keep everyone posted.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Homeward Bound
Jason is coming home Monday pending no fevers or infections. They unhooked him from BOB today. He only needs hooked up when he gets antibiotics. Which is only twice a day for a couple hours
He is so happy!!!
He wants fast food so bad but we have to pass on that. Daddy Shawn will have to make a burger taste like McDonalds
We might even be able to take him to the circius on Wed
He will be home Monday until Monday June 30th
Then they will do another bone marrow and see how much we got
Everyone pray your hearts out this week they come back good
Austin and his dad are leaving for Iowa on Tuesday for two weeks
So that will be a nice well deserved break for both of them
Keep everyone posted
He is so happy!!!
He wants fast food so bad but we have to pass on that. Daddy Shawn will have to make a burger taste like McDonalds
We might even be able to take him to the circius on Wed
He will be home Monday until Monday June 30th
Then they will do another bone marrow and see how much we got
Everyone pray your hearts out this week they come back good
Austin and his dad are leaving for Iowa on Tuesday for two weeks
So that will be a nice well deserved break for both of them
Keep everyone posted
Friday, June 20, 2008
Coming home
Well Jason is doing good says the big doc so hopefully he will be home by next weekend. I am sure he cant wait to sleep in his own bed and not have the cords attached to him. He named his machine "Bob" and that will be nice to be free of him as well.
Jason is getting sick of being in the hospital as he was asking his dad all sorts of questions last night. Like why is he there so long, why does he have to take so much medicine, what can happen to him. He is a smart kid and you have to be straight but it is hard having to worry about your child going through this and what can happen. He should be swimming in the backyard with his friends and running around playing football. But he is strong and will battle through this. We are all learning patience.
But it is hard looking at his room empty and not seeing him around the house
So i hope the count down is on for him to get home
Jason is getting sick of being in the hospital as he was asking his dad all sorts of questions last night. Like why is he there so long, why does he have to take so much medicine, what can happen to him. He is a smart kid and you have to be straight but it is hard having to worry about your child going through this and what can happen. He should be swimming in the backyard with his friends and running around playing football. But he is strong and will battle through this. We are all learning patience.
But it is hard looking at his room empty and not seeing him around the house
So i hope the count down is on for him to get home
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Good moods
Nothing really to update except Jason is still happy as ever. He loves his soft new head. We shaved him on Sunday. And through out all the time he has been there he has gotten so much stuff i had to take 2 trips to the car to bring stuff home and he still has alot there.
Thanks everyone for everything
Thanks everyone for everything
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy 9th Birthday!!
Happy 9th Birthday Jason!
Jason had a great turnout for his 9th birthday on Saturday. That tiny little room was crammed with friends and family. Jason made out on gifts and has plenty to keep him occupied. Now we just need a big suitcase to haul it all in from room to room as they continue to transfer him around the hospital. We love you Jason and hope you got everything you wanted! :)

Jason had a great turnout for his 9th birthday on Saturday. That tiny little room was crammed with friends and family. Jason made out on gifts and has plenty to keep him occupied. Now we just need a big suitcase to haul it all in from room to room as they continue to transfer him around the hospital. We love you Jason and hope you got everything you wanted! :)

Friday, June 13, 2008
Moved again
Well Jason has a cough now so he got moved to a private room just in case he is coming down with something. Cant have him getting his roommate sick. Tomorrow is his birthday so i hope he isnt ill. He still looks good though.
He has moved about 5 times so far. So i need to start taking some stuff home so there isnt so much to move each time.
I joined a group called Hope Kids that offers alot of things for familys like ours. We are going to take Austin to the circus in the next couple of weeks. And they have tickets to Firebird for some drag races along with pit passes. Jason wont be well enough to attend but it will keep Austin happy.
He has moved about 5 times so far. So i need to start taking some stuff home so there isnt so much to move each time.
I joined a group called Hope Kids that offers alot of things for familys like ours. We are going to take Austin to the circus in the next couple of weeks. And they have tickets to Firebird for some drag races along with pit passes. Jason wont be well enough to attend but it will keep Austin happy.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Right on track
Talked to the head doctor today and Jason is right on track
He is doing good and they havent seen any leukemia cells for 2 days.
Also got the results back from Austin's blood work. He is NOT a match for bone marrow. So they will test Brian and I. But still hoping dont need to go that way. But wont know for sure for a while.
Will keep everyone updated
He is doing good and they havent seen any leukemia cells for 2 days.
Also got the results back from Austin's blood work. He is NOT a match for bone marrow. So they will test Brian and I. But still hoping dont need to go that way. But wont know for sure for a while.
Will keep everyone updated
To Jason. From Shadow

Hey Buddy!
Here are some pictures of me. I thought the first picture was a particularly handsome shot of me. I like this little dog bed. The big human thinks it’s for toys but Katie and I just take them all out and then I can relax in it! The third shot is Katie and I taking our afternoon nap. This couch is soooooo comfortable. I hope you have a dog gone great day!
Love you more than al the bones in the world
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Keep on movin' and dont stop
We are continueing to move down the path of healing. Jason is doing good. He isnt able to eat without pain so we have moved on to the IV nutrition. It is hard to have him in pain while eating. His b-day is Saturday and he wants churros and pizza from Costco. That will be interesting to see how he handles that when we are lucky to get a bowl of cereal down him. But he is making a valient effort.
We are still lucky to have a steady stream of visitors so he is keeping busy.
And he has mastered Connect 4!
We are still lucky to have a steady stream of visitors so he is keeping busy.
And he has mastered Connect 4!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Hit rock bottom
Todays Jasons counts finally hit zero. There is no where to go but up from here. He is doing good. Still laughing and joking but having a hard time eating. He gets a stabbing pain when he tries to eat. The docs load him up with Morphine and then he is good. He wants me to tell everyone he just spit a lugie. Gotta love boys.
We got him doing some math work to keep his mind busy. And anything else we can think of. Daddy Shawn got him a PSP and he is loving that. Better watch out Austin you might have some competition.
We got him doing some math work to keep his mind busy. And anything else we can think of. Daddy Shawn got him a PSP and he is loving that. Better watch out Austin you might have some competition.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Weekly Messages of Love
Be strong baby boy, GOD has his arms around you and you will be safe. GOD bless this family
And now for Jason, my sweet little grandson, I hope you can feel all the love that people have for you. My ward is fasting for you tomorrow, and I know there are tons of people everywhere praying for you and I know Heavenly Father will give you the strength that you need to get better. Hang in there, buddy, and your Meema's going to be there in a couple weeks for your birthday. I can't wait to see you!
Love, Meema
My love and prayers goes out to you all. I know everything will work out with enough faith. Let Jason know what a strong boy he truly is now. If you ever need anything give me a call.
Erin Alegria
Hi Jason. My wife works with your aunt Daphne. I'm sorry to hear about you getting sick. I hope that you are playing lots of video games and meeting new friends. I pray for your speedy recovery.
Jason its uncle Jared remember me Robert and I got you a full size poster of Hanna Montana and a picture of a Phoenix on fire rising from the ashes. You are a champion and you to will rise like the Phoenix you have a royal blood line that goes all the way back to our Creator don't forget you are loved and we are all watching after you and praying that we get to be around your sweet presence daily . YOU RoCK
Uncle Jared
Hi Jason. It is Ronny. Hope you feel better soon.
If anyone in this world has the strength and attitude to endure something so difficult its Jason. He's gone through a lot in his young life and he's never let anything drag him down, he always stays positive and lets things roll off his back. Jason and Austin have been my boys since the day they were born and they're still my world...I think we can all learn from Jason through this experience. No matter what life brings you unexpectedly, do what you can and don't let it defeat you. Be strong and always smile and you'll always make it through. He's my youngest nephew, but definitely a hero in my eyes.
Aunt Nana
This is to let Jolly Jason, my nickname for him, know that his Aunt Daphne and his Cousin Gabriel love him very much.
He needs to hurry up and get out of the hospital so me and him and his Mom can go to Big Lots together!
Aunt Daphne
We’re thinking of you and the family and please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can help!
Leigha Cline
And now for Jason, my sweet little grandson, I hope you can feel all the love that people have for you. My ward is fasting for you tomorrow, and I know there are tons of people everywhere praying for you and I know Heavenly Father will give you the strength that you need to get better. Hang in there, buddy, and your Meema's going to be there in a couple weeks for your birthday. I can't wait to see you!
Love, Meema
My love and prayers goes out to you all. I know everything will work out with enough faith. Let Jason know what a strong boy he truly is now. If you ever need anything give me a call.
Erin Alegria
Hi Jason. My wife works with your aunt Daphne. I'm sorry to hear about you getting sick. I hope that you are playing lots of video games and meeting new friends. I pray for your speedy recovery.
Jason its uncle Jared remember me Robert and I got you a full size poster of Hanna Montana and a picture of a Phoenix on fire rising from the ashes. You are a champion and you to will rise like the Phoenix you have a royal blood line that goes all the way back to our Creator don't forget you are loved and we are all watching after you and praying that we get to be around your sweet presence daily . YOU RoCK
Uncle Jared
Hi Jason. It is Ronny. Hope you feel better soon.
If anyone in this world has the strength and attitude to endure something so difficult its Jason. He's gone through a lot in his young life and he's never let anything drag him down, he always stays positive and lets things roll off his back. Jason and Austin have been my boys since the day they were born and they're still my world...I think we can all learn from Jason through this experience. No matter what life brings you unexpectedly, do what you can and don't let it defeat you. Be strong and always smile and you'll always make it through. He's my youngest nephew, but definitely a hero in my eyes.
Aunt Nana
This is to let Jolly Jason, my nickname for him, know that his Aunt Daphne and his Cousin Gabriel love him very much.
He needs to hurry up and get out of the hospital so me and him and his Mom can go to Big Lots together!
Aunt Daphne
We’re thinking of you and the family and please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can help!
Leigha Cline
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Uncle Jared and Uncle Robert
So yesterday Robert and Jared went to visit. Of course they had to stop at the store first. They picked up a few goodies for Jason. One which I think Austin will enjoy just as much as Jason. All I have to say is Hannah Montana. Need I say more. That is right folks. They got Jason a poster of Hannah Montana. If that cute little face does not make time fly and make you feel all good inside I don't know what will!! Along with Hannah they got him some magazines I think it was an X-Box. Boys and their toys. He also got a poster of a Phoenix coming out of fire. Symbolic? I think so. The favored goodie that Jason was just so excited about was a point laser. The kind teachers use. Jason was so excited about this. How fun!!! Point the laser at the nurses as the walk by. Out the window at birds. You can do anything with that and keep busy for a while. It is like a little kid and a flashlight! So he was pretty happy. Jared took some photos on his phone. They were blurry but I will post anyways. It shows how happy he is. Jared said he was talkative and playful. Always a good sign. Let's hope he feels like this through most of his treatments. Will make them go so much faster when you are happy and comfortable!!
Great Day
Another good day for Jason. He is eating like his old self again and is smiling like he alwasys does. Today he gets a roommate. Lets hope we all get along and it makes being stuck in this room for the next 10 days fly by. His friends are still coming by everyday and keeping him busy. We love him so much and thank everyone for all their love and support.
Another good day for Jason. He is eating like his old self again and is smiling like he alwasys does. Today he gets a roommate. Lets hope we all get along and it makes being stuck in this room for the next 10 days fly by. His friends are still coming by everyday and keeping him busy. We love him so much and thank everyone for all their love and support.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Today was a good day....
Jason had a good day today. He was back to himself this afternoon and was laughing and playing so we are all happy about that. His chemo is administered around 11pm so by noon the next day it has worn off and he gets back to his old self again. Austin had a hard day yesterday. We think it might be his nerves. He threw up about 6 times. Poor guy. He is suffering along with everyone else. Please say a prayer for everyone to have strength and health along this long hard journey.
Many Visitors
We went to visit Jason this weekend. He seems in good spirits. He got tired real quick after we had got there. So we didn't stay long. Aunt Shannon and Uncle Grant flew in after they had heard the news. So they were here for a few days. We all went to visit. It was nice to be able to see Jason. Since I was at girls camp I was not able to until I got home. I wanted to make sure I got to see him before he was to tired and weak from chemo. Plus everyone was healthy in the house.
Austin and Brian had just bought a new video game for the X-box and were excited to take it to him and play. Kim had won concert tickets and lunch for her office off the radio station. Instead she asked if they would bring lunch and feed all the nurses. So the DJ came and brought lunch and talked with Jason for a few minutes. The DJ then left and came back with an extra X-box and gave it to Jason. How nice! He didn't even know Kim or Jason.
I talked to Kim this morning for a few minutes. He is doing well. He had another blood transfusion yesterday and it went fine. He is in good spirits still. I had asked her if he knew what was going on in detail. She said he heard the word "cancer" for the first time yesterday. His reactions was, "I have cancer?" Kim answered yes and Jason says, "Oh okay." So he is being so strong and I know he will continue to be.
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