Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Going home...

Well, Jason was supposed to be able to go home for a week on June 28th, but his blood counts were too low and they had to keep him in the hospital. He had then started complaining about more stomach cramps and come to find out, he had Appendicitis as well, and immediately they had to do surgery to remove his appendix.

His counts continue to go up and down, but they are allowing us to bring him home on Friday, July 11th. He'll have 5 days at home and then he returns back on Wednesday, July 16th to start his second round of chemo.

He is considered in remission for now because he has only 4% leukemia cells out of 95%. Under 5% is considered remission. Lets hope it will stay that way.

Please keep him in your daily prayers!

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