Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sorry i havent updated in a while. Jason is doing great. On Jan 19th he got his broviac out. He is feeling great and looking good.
Nothing really new to report here these days. I think he is getting bored being at home. We are both getting antsy. But he keeps doing his homework and i keep working.
He is glad to be able to eat out more often and get a change in his diet. We go back Feb 11 for a checkup. Will let everyone know how that goes.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Almost done

I just wanted to let all of you know that Jason's final tests have come back clean. His bone marrow is healthy and he is in remission. On Monday he has surgery to take out his broviac (central line) . Then he just has to take oral medication for 6 months. He still cant attend school because it is flu season and his immune system is still not up to par. His immune system today came in at 1144 compared to what ours would be at 20,000. But it is slowing rising. In about 6 months he will be where he should be.
This has been very challenging and a learning experience for all of us. I want to thank all of you for all your support and prayers. We couldn’t have done this without all of it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just a few more days

Yesterday was Jason's last bone marrow test. We are still pending the results from the dr but if still clean he can get his broviac out on Jan 19th. They also let him eat McDonalds yesterday. Of course we had them make it all fresh. He ordered a cheeseburger, fries, and chicken nuggets. And as we all know the grease didnt settle. I had to feed him some nausea medicine afterwards but he was all smiles. I took some pictures and will have them posted.
His hair is growing so much i need to buy some clippers to trim it up. But he doesnt want me touching it.

Will update everyone as soon as i hear the results.